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Class of 2021 Grads -- Who are They?

The August issue of the Gauzeitung will feature our high school or college graduates since last year's issue. Whether you have a grad in the family or are a grad yourself, send the information to Gaujugendvertreterin Diane Meck ( by June 30. Include the following information: Name, Verein affiliation, school, degree, future plans. Send along a picture, too, and name the file with the name of the grad. Let's show off our young people!

Gauverband YouTube Channel

Did you know that the Gauverband has a YouTube channel? There are currently six videos on the page. One is from a workshop held at a Delegates Meeting on how to grow your Verein through social media. The other five are workshops held at the 2019 Gaufest in Washington, D.C. Thank you, Alt-Washingtonia, for doing the videoing. The subjects are Goasslschnoizen, How to Conduct a Plattlerprobe, Volkstanz Workshop, Alphorns, and Fahnen Care. As more videos become available, they'll be included on the channel.

May 2021 Issue of Gauzeitung Online

So many Vereine still aren't meeting and can't distribute the member subscriptions, so....  Here's the link to the May 2021 issue of the Gauzeitung.  CLICK FOR LINK   

2021 July 10: Mid-Atlantic Jugend Workshop Hosted by UGH

The United German Hungarians will be hosting a Mid-Atlantic Jugend Einzel Workshop on Saturday, July 10, 2021, at the Phoenix Sport Club in Trevose, Pennsylvania. This is a fantastic opportunity for the younger dancers to perform Schuhplattler and also for all of us to spend time with old and new friends. THIS LINK takes you to more details about the event including contacts, hotels, registration, and admission.

2021 June 12: Almrausch Philadelphia's 96. Stiftungsfest

GTV Almrausch Philadelphia is celebrating its 96. Stiftungsfest outdoors at the Cannstatter Biergarten on June 12. The Philly Brass Band will provide music; Almrausch and visiting Vereine will show that dancing continues to bring joy. All the details are in the flyer below.

Gauzeitung Deadline: May 1

The deadline for sending articles and photos for the next issue of the Gauzeitung is May 1.  What has your Verein and its members been up to? How do you keep in touch or get together? Send birthday or anniversary greetings to your members who are celebrating major milestones.  Share a memory of a member who has passed away.  Write up something about an event in your Verein's history -- about the founding and the founders, your Fahnenweihe, a big Jubiläum. Send your contributions to   


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