Sheet Music Sources
Here is a list of links to sites to download sheet musik for Volksmusik and Volkslieder. Compiled from the following workshop: Where to find Volksmusik: by Gau-Musikwart Rick Michels
Bayerischer Landesverein fur Heimatpflege: Over 75 instrumental pieces available for download.
Stammtischmusik Klosterneuberg: Comprehensive collection of instrumental music for Polka, Landler, Boarische, Marsche, Zwiefacher and Mazurkas. All musik is available in standard notation and Griffschrift.
Musikverlag Karl Edelmann: Not free, but a great online shop for anything pertaining to Tanzlmusi, Blasmusik, Klarinettenmusik, and even Stubenmusik.
Volkmusik in Niederbayern: Wide array of all sorts of instrumentations, from Blaskapelle and Tanzlmusi to Saiten- and Geigenmusik (strings and violins).
Fein sein, beinander bleiben: A great repository of choral musik. Every imaginable category of Bavarian-Alpine fold song is listed here: Liebeslieder, Almlieder, Jager-und Wildschutzenlieder, Gstanzln, Schnadahupfeln...
Bereich deutsche und ladinsiche Musikschulen: A section of folk music from Südtirol, an area steeped in deep music traditions.
d'Auhäusler: Very nice clarinet pieces, along with some Gstanzln and Wirthauslieder.
Volktanznoten in Griffschrift: a long list of folk dances written in Ziachspieler notation, as opposed to standard notation.
Musik und Noten von Rudolf Bodingbauer: Large repository of Blasmusik, Tanzlmusi, Kammermusi, Klarinettenmusik, Advents-und Weihnachtsmusik, choral piece and more.
Musiker Boarisch: A dictionary of Bavarian dialect commonly used in folk songs. So you will know what you are singing!
Articles, Presentations, Videos
Click here to go to the Gauverband YouTube Channel
Singing is a great way to learn language skills and have fun. These songs are meant to be sung while sitting around having fun, not as performance pieces.
Once an Austrian went Yodeling A popular game song for late night gatherings. Be prepared for impromptu lyrics!
Rehragout Polka Sheet music and lyrics for this popular crowd-pleaser.
De kropfat Pinzgarin Sheet music and lyrics.
Wirtshauslieder by Adam Levine of SV Alt Washingtonia. Three songs, along with alternate lyrics to two of them, are included.
Paschen and Gstanzln by Eric Ray of SG Edelweiss, St. Paul, Minnesota. The old custom of Paschen (clapping) to music is not as easy as it sounds, given that several different rhythms are clapped by numerous people. But the fun and resulting great sound are worth the effort!
Volkslied und Volksmusik in der Trachtenbewegung by Gau-Musikwart Richard Michels
Paschen, Gstanzln, and Tanzen: Ausseer-Steirischer by Eric Ray of SG Edelweiss, St. Paul, Minnesota and Adam Levine of Alt Washingtonia. This 3-part workshop, taught at the 2017 Gaufest, included learning the song, the Paschen (clapping rhythms) and dance for the Ausseer-Steirischer. A video playlist is available at this link..
50 Landler Melodies by Joe Smiell
What is Volksmusik and Why is it Important? Michael Leggett's interview with Rick Michels, Gaumusikwart (added Sept. 2023)
Downloadable Musik
Several downloadable MP3 files of the three competition Plattler as well as the Gauverband’s “Gauplattler,” which is a Schuhplattler unique to the Gauverband and done by all our member Vereine. MP3 files for the three Schuhplattler performed for Gruppenpreisplatteln are available below. The music is played by Gaumusikwart Rick Michels.
50ger Marsch
In honor of the Gauverband Nordamerika's 50th anniversary, Gaumusikwart Rick Michels wrote a march for the occasion. Siasswasser Tanzlmusi of GTEV Edelweiss Detroit played the march to start off the Festabend at the 2016 Delegates Meeting, hosted by Edelweiss St. Paul. See the video, taken by Mike Leggett of Alt Washingtonia: 50ger Marsch. Sheet Music for 50ger Marsch
Where to Listen to Music
Listen to Bavarian Volksmusik 24 hours a day at: