The role of the Gaujugendvertreter (youth leader) is to help the member Vereine with their youth and promote the culture of dance, music, language, and Tracht. He or she develops and encourages new programs. If you have questions, suggestions, additional material to share, please connect with Gaujugendvertreterin Diane Meck at or @gau_jugend on Twitter and Instagram.
THIS LINK takes you to information about the 2023 Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship Award. Deadline for application submission is December 31, 2022. The 2024 Scholarship application will be uploaded in September 2023.
The Gauverband Nordamerika's Gaufest is held biennially in the odd-numbered years. Activities that are designed specifically for the Jugend attending the Gaufest will be highlighted and updated here as information is available.
One responsibility is overseeing the Jugendeinzelplatteln (couples dancing for youth) that has been at every Gaufest since its introduction at the 2001 Gaufest. Children from 6-15 may take part. Their performances are critiqued by a panel of judges, offering useful feedback to the young, enthusiastic dancers. In 2011 Jugendeinzelpreisplatteln was added so that youth in the 12-15 year old category could choose to compete against one another.
Youth 6-15 may participate in either Jugendeinzelplatteln, where their performance is critiqued, or Jugendeinzelpreisplatteln, where their competition performance is judged and ranked (ages 12-15 only). The criteria and rules for each have been updated to decisions approved at the 2018 Delegates Meeting and are available with the Preisplatteln Rules under About Us/Bylaws.

The links take you to the Jugendecke article in every issue of the Gauzeitung.
Dare to be Different
Volunteer - It Pays!
Bitten by the Travel Bug
2017 Gaufest Jugend Activities
Jugend Survey Results Dec. 2017
Fashion Choices
Kinderproben Activities
Planning for your Future
The Show Goes On!
2019 Jugend Ecke - Get Involved; Traveling with Jugend; Scholarships; Future Plans
2020 Jugend Ecke - Keeping Jugend Dressed; Collections; Tracht fuer Cara; Learning a Different Way
2021 Jugend Ecke - Virtual Kinderzimmer; Enchanted Forest -- Gnomes & Elves
2022 Jugend Ecke - Wolpertinger; Student Exchange; Gaufest 2022
2023 Jugend Ecke - More than Dance; Jugend at Gaufest; Kinderreime
Every culture has traditions that are specific to the particular region. Germany, Bavaria, and Tyrol are no exceptions. Here are some links that can be explored for many of the traditions of the regions.
Youth Workshop at 2011 Gaufest
Vroni Menzinger, Gaujugendvertreterin for the Huosigau Gauverband in Bayern, taught a workshop at the 2011 Gaufest on how to conduct a practice for young people. She prepared a handout with some hints and tips, as well as three fun game-dances to play with children (although adults seem to enjoy them just as much!). Click on the link below for a copy of the handout. Vroni also taught the dance "Siebenschritt," which is available under the heading of "Dance" on this website. Songs, Games, and Dances for Children
Gauverband I in Bayern has published instructions for 11 different games that are set to music. These games are especially fun for children, but all ages can have fun with them. Check out their website for almost 30 Volkstänze (Link to Volkstänze) as well as the link to 11 different dance games at this link: Link to Tanzspiele
Flat Trachtler
A fun craft that was introduced at the 2015 Gaufest was Flat Trachtler. Flat Trachtler is modeled after the "Flat Stanley" stories ( You can follow Flat Trachtler on Instagram (#FlatTrachtler). Want to make your own Flat Trachtler? Just click on the link to print the drawings. Link to Flat Trachtler Drawings.
Christmas Spider
The Christmas Spider is a traditional craft, easy for young people to make. Information about the tradition and directions can be found at this link.
German can be learned in school but having assistance at home can make a difference. The following link can be a great help for parents wanting to use German at a youth level. Learn ways to speak the language in a way a child would understand. Alphabet Garten is a language guide available for you to download.
Heading to the Bayern region of Germany and you want to learn a little more about the local dialect? Head to the websites below for more information on Bayerisch:
Many of our Gauverband Nordamerika member Vereine have youth (Jugend) organizations within their programs. Please check our member links for more contact information.
Schuhplattler Kids is a website with photos and videos promoting and spotlighting Schuhplattler Jugend from North America and Europe.