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Article about Bayern-Gau-NA Friendship

The Jan. 15, 2019, issue of the Heimat- und Trachtenbote carried an article about the friendship between the Bayerischer Trachtenverband and Gau-NA on its front page. Pressewart Anton Hötzelsperger interviewed 1.Gauvorstand Tom Vogt when he attended the Landesversammlung in November (see Tom's article in the November 2018 Gauzeitung). Toni also included quotes from Landesvorsitzender Max Bertl and Ehrenvorsitzender Otto Dufter. You can read the complimentary article below or open/download/print the article at this link.

The article was also posted in the Samerberger Nachrichten (THIS LINK) and includes several more photos than what is included in the HTB article.

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