NEW AS OF MARCH 18: The Gauverband Meetings Committee continues to work with “Gaufest Consultant” Nick VanderKamp from Helms Briscoe to identify locations and facilities that could be conducive to hosting a future Gaufest. Nick provides his services at no cost to the Gauverband or the interested Verein. Nick reached out to Helm Brisco partners around the country to see what locations would be suitable to host a Gaufest and to provide preliminary pricing and availability based upon our requirements for a Gaufest in 2025. The responses Nick received back from these facilities is summarized in the spreadsheet emailed to Verein's Vorstände on March 18..
The Meetings Committee wanted to share this as it provides some great initial information that could help anyone who may potentially be looking to host a Gaufest (or any other event) in their home location or in a destination location. Nick can provide his services not just for Gaufeste but for any other event (Fahnenweihe, Bezirksfeste etc.) that a Verein may host. Please take a look at the details in the spreadsheet..
The Meetings Committee can put anyone in contact with Nick for more information. Please reach out to Meetings Committee chair, Joe Hubner ( if you have any interest in discussing this further or to find out more details about hosting a Gaufest. Check with either your Verein's Vorstand or Joe for the excel file of location possibilities.
Updates from the Gauverband Meetings Committee (as of March 10)
The Gauverband Meetings Committee has continued to monitor the impact that the ongoing pandemic has had on the planning of upcoming Gauverband events. It has been a difficult and challenging time that has resulted in events needing to be postponed, cancelled, or moved to virtual events. The most important thing in making decisions and recommendations about any events, has been the health and well-being of our members. The following are some updates on the upcoming Gauverband events.
2022 Executive Board and Delegates Meeting
The Meetings Committee fully supports the decision from the Gauverband Auschuß to host both of these meetings virtually. The committee feels that the with uncertainty due to the effects of the pandemic and the full schedule of Gauverband events this year, this is the correct decision. Further information on the schedule, agenda and processes for the meeting will be forthcoming.
2024 Executive Board and Delegates Meeting
The Meetings Committee (as well as the full Gauverband Ausschuß) strongly recommends that at the upcoming Delegates meeting, the membership votes Enzian Volkstanz Gruppe des Delaware Sängerbunds as the host of the 2024 Delegates meeting. Delaware was unable to host the 2022 due to it being moved to a virtual meeting and is very much interested in hosting in 2024.
2022 and 2023 Gaufeste
The Meetings Committee is continuing to work with both Edelweiss Passaic and STV Bavaria Cleveland to plan the upcoming Gaufeste. We are hoping that everyone will be able to support these events and we are looking forward to seeing everyone in Atlantic City in July.
2025 Gaufest Bids
At the current time, the Meetings Committee has not received a bid from any Verein to host the 2025 Gaufest. The documented deadline to accept Gaufest bids, was January 31st, but due to the current situation that date has been waived. The Meetings Committee is looking to work with any Verein that may have an interest in potentially hosting the Gaufest and putting together a bid. While this is a challenging endeavor, the committee has significant knowledge and experience that can be utilized to assist in the planning. Gaufest host Vereine, as well as the Meetings Committee have also been utilizing the services of Nick VanderKamp from Helms Briscoe. Nick has functioned as “Gaufest Consultant” assisting with items such as consultation, negotiating with hotels and suppliers and contract reviews. Nick provides his services at no cost to the Gauverband or the host Verein. Nick has been researching venues and preliminary pricing for hotels across North America that would be suitable for hosting a Gaufest. This information can be made available for any Verein interested in submitting a bid.
This may also be an opportunity for a Verein to look “Outside of the Box” and explore hosting a Gaufest that is different than what we are used to. Some ideas that have been mentioned are a shorter 3-day Gaufest, hosting an a la carte Gaufest, using a Festzelt, hosting a Gaufest not with the “standard schedule” (i.e., a Saturday to Tuesday Gaufest), potentially having 2 or 3 Vereine host a Gaufest together, a potential destination Gaufest. The Meetings Committee is willing to discuss any ideas that a potential host Verein may have and are more than willing to assist with developing the bid. Please reach out to Meetings Committee chair, Joe Hubner ( if there is any interest.
Joe Hubner, Committee Chairperson