Gaufahnenträger Klaus Vikari and wife Teresa represented Gau-NA on May 4, 2019, at the Standartenweihe of the Bayerischer Trachtenverband in Holzhausen. The Trachtenverband was awarded a Standard in November at the celebration of 100 years of Freistaat Bayern. Bavaria's Minister-präsident Dr. Markus Söder invited the leaders of the many volunteer groups throughout Bayern that help give the state its unique culture to a festive reception where numerous volunteer organizations were awarded the beautiful Standards. The Bayerischer Blasmusikverband was the Pate at the Weihe last weekend, with each of the 22 Bavarian Gauverbände, the Austrian Verband, and Gau-NA also attending the blessing at the church in village of Holzhausen. Gau-NA had the honor of standing at the altar, and Teresa attached our Fahnenband to the Standard. Following the church service, the Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen were part of a Festzug back to the Kulturzentrum for a festive reception with music and the exchange of Fahnenbänder. Klaus did us proud with a speech to those assembled and accepted an Urkunde from the Verband on Gau-NA's behalf.
The event was well documented with photos by Anton Hötzelsperger, Pressewart of the Bay. Trachtenverband. You can view pictures in two different articles that appeared in the Samerberger Nachrichten website. Teresa also took many photos and posted them to her Facebook page so we could all "be there." She and Klaus will be sending an article for the August issue of the Gauzeitung with personal impressions of the event. Many thanks to the two of you for representing us so well! Vergelt's Gott!
Photos: Church in Holzhausen -- the newly blessed Standard is in the center of the altar; Klaus, Teresa, and the Gau-NA flag are on the right side. Festzug back to the Kulturzentrum.
More photos (about 100!) can be found at the Samerberger Nachrichten at THIS LINK (church photos) and THIS LINK (Festzug & Kulturzentrum festivities). THIS LINK takes you to the article on the Bayerischer Trachtenverband's website.
The November 2018 issue of the Gauzeitung has more about the 100 year Freistaat Bayern ceremony.
Added 5/8: LINK to article on Bayerischer Trachtenverband website about 10 years of Friendship between Gau-NA & Trachtenverband