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Schafkopf Instructions Online

Schafkopf is a popular card game in Bavaria and in Gau-NA. The game has been taught at many Delegates Meetings workshops, and a tournament is held at every Gaufest. Instructions on how to play the game were set by a Bavarian Schafkopf Congress in Munich. The instructions, originally in German, were translated by Tom Vogt.

November/December Gauzeitung is Online!

Here it is the end of 2020 and most Vereine are still not meeting, so a lot of subscribers are not getting their Gauzeitung. Who would have imagined this back in March? To help cheer us all up and keep the camaraderie among us, the Gauzeitung is available online again this issue.

28. Gaufest Rescheduled to July 7-10, 2022!

That's right -- 2022! The Gaufest hosted by Edelweiss Passaic has been rescheduled to July 7-10, 2022.  This unusual step was approved by the delegates who attended the (first ever!) Special Delegates Meeting on Sunday, November 15. Be sure to save the new date!

Special Delegates Meeting Info

If you are the delegate from your Verein for Sunday, Nov. 15's Special Delegates Meeting -- be sure to check your email!  If you are on the Gau-NA's Ausschuss -- check your email.  If you did not get an email regarding the meeting, please contact either Paul Ulrich or Bob Hugel as soon as possible.  Important information regarding the meeting is in that email.

Gauausschuss Calls Special Delegates Meeting

An email was sent today to all Gauverband Vereine regarding an upcoming Special Delegates Meeting to discuss the 28. Gaufest.  Please check your emails as soon as possible.


2021 Paul Ulrich Scholarship Applications Being Accepted

The Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to students involved in the promotion of Bavarian and/or Tyrolean cultural heritage who are members of Gauverband Nordamerika. The eligibility guidelines and application for the 2021 Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship are at THIS LINK.  Applications are due in electronic format by December 31, 2020.


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