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Kulturzentrum Holzhausen: Doors have been installed!

I am happy to announce that the Schranktüren for the Gauverband Nordamerika Zimmer are installed. I received an email from Wolfgang Gensberger who is the Archivar for the Bayerischer Trachtenverband and Curator at the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen that the doors are installed and ready for viewing. The only item left is installing the locks and hardware. Now when people stay in the room and take a tour through the Bildungshaus, they will see the doors proudly displayed to tell the story of the Trachtler in Nordamerika. We want to thank Wolfgang for all of his help and again thank Idi Brown of Alt-Washingtonia for all of her talent.  (see pictures by clicking on "read more")

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