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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Delegates Meeting Update 3-23-12

The following is a short update on the 2012 Gauverband Nordamerika Executive Board Meeting, May 4, 2012 and the General Delegates Meeting, May 5-6, 2012.

As of March 22nd 2012 there are a total of 25 Vereine registered for attendance at the Delegates Meeting with 47 Delegates, 24 Alternate Delegates and 32 Observers for a total of 103 attendees; with less than six(6) weeks remaining to the meeting. The deadline was March 15th for all the forms to be in to allow us sufficient time to complete the planning and arrangements for the weekend which is now a challenge since attendance in the past has always been around 45-50 Vereine attending with approximately 150(+) total people. Attendance per Verein appears to be up by 33% yet 20-25 Vereine have not yet registered based upon past history. What is even more interesting is that our room block at the Kenilworth Inn has been exceeded and we had to establish an overflow hotel which already has 5 rooms booked for that weekend. Please respond immediately with the requested forms to the contacts provided so that we can get a realistic picture of the attendance and adjust our plans accordingly!

Here's the information for the overflow hotel:

Plattler Music Available to Download

Now Available -- Download MP3 files of the "Haitauer," "Haushamer," "Reit im Winkl," and "Gauplattler" by going to the MUSIC link on this website. The music for each of the Preisplattler is played for Einzel- or Gruppenpreisplattlen sequences. The music is played by Gaumusikwart Richard Michels. A CD with all the music on it can be purchased from the Gau-Library.  Note that in order to listen to the music, you must download it.

Gauzeitung for 2010 Now on Website!

Issues of the 2010 Gauzeitung are now available online—in color! If you click on the link below, you can access the 2010 issues (Volume 22). The highlights of each issue are listed along with links to the individual issue. Year 2009 was added last year but the link is below if you’d like to take a look. In time, issues before 2009 will be added. The links to each year are also posted under “Publications, Gauzeitung.”

Volume 22 - Calendar Year 2010

Volume 21 - Calendar Year 2009

2012 Delegates Meeting Info

Happy New Year!  It's time to start planning for the 2012 Delegates Meeting, to be hosted by Bayern Verein Newark, on May 5-6, 2012.. The link below takes you to the information that was recently mailed to all the Vereine. It includes a cover letter, hotel reservation info, checklist, Verein registration information, Request for travel information, Carnation order form.  All are due to Bayern Verein by March 15, 2012. 

2012 Delegates Meeting

Note: Schedules, agendas, and proposals for general sessions, administrative meeting, and Vorplattler meeting will be mailed and added to the website at a later date.

Sad News from Bayern

Gerhard Hinterbrandner, Ehrenvorstand of the Altbayerisch-Schwäbisch Gauverband, died today (January 2) in Lechhausen. He and his wife, Marianne, attended the Gaufest here in North America in 1997 in Delaware. Marianne is the current Vorstand of their Gauverband.  We join his family and friends in mourning his passing. May he rest in peace.

More information can be found in the next few days on the Trachtenverband’s website,  Click on "read more" for a short tribute with photo.


2012 Gauverband Delegates Meeting Info

Lower rates good through March 15!

Bayern Verein Newark, Inc. is pleased to announce a revised lower rate for hotel accommodations for the upcoming Gauverband Nordamerika Delegates Meeting to be held on Saturday May 5 & Sunday May 6, 2012. To take advantage of this rate and guarantee room accommodations at the hotel please consider making your room reservation as soon as possible; this special rate has been extended to March 31, 2012!


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