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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Judges Preparation Minutes

The judges for this year's Preisplatteln met in Newark, Delaware, at the Vereinsheim of Enzian Volkstanzgruppe May 10-12 to prepare themselves for the job of judging the groups and couples registered to dance at the Gaufest. It was a packed weekend for the three dance officers, 11 judges, and dancers and musicians from 9 Vereine. The minutes of the meeting are available at the link below and also under "About Us/Reports & Minutes" on the website.

2013 Judges Preparation Weekend Minutes

Scoresheets - Revised to Latest

The scoresheets for Einzel- and Gruppenpreisplatteln have undergone slight revision to include wording that was agreed to at the 2012 Delegates Meeting.  Also, Article III, Paragraph A, Line 6 has been corrected to include the last four words missing from the previous edition. The line now reads: The group’s high and low normalized scores will be removed and the remaining normalized scores added together."  To print the corrected pages (16, 26, 27), go to About Us/Bylaws and click on the link to the "2012 Operating Rules, Preisplatteln Rules, and Guidelines."

Bavarians from two Gauverbände will be at Gaufest

A group of 50 Bavarians will be coming from Bayern to North America and will be attending the 24. Gaufest. Erech Morrison, Ehrenvorstand of GTEV Maple Leaf-Almrausch Ottawa and his Verein have been friends with members of the Heimat und Volkstrachtenverein Salzweg. Salzweg is near Passau in Niederbayern. The groups have paid each other visits several times over their twenty-year friendship. This year they will be accompanied by the Gau-Gruppe of the Oberer Lechgauverband.

Minutes of 2013 Gauauschussversammlung Available

The Minutes of the 2013 Gauauschussversammlung held in March are now available. Click on the link below or go to “About Us/ Reports” and open from the link there.

2013 Gauausschuss Minutes

Gauzeitung Issues from 2011 Now On-Line!

The six issues of the Gauzeitung published in 2011 are now available -- in color -- on the website. Click on the link below. To see all issues from 2009-2011, go to "Publications - Gauzeitung."  

Volume 23 - Calendar Year 2011

Remembering Lillian "Schnookie" Roe

The Gauverband is saddened by the loss of one of our Gau-Richter.


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