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Earn Community Service Hours!

As the youth of our Vereine grow into teenagers and then adults, there seems to be a growing demand for them to complete a mandatory amount of community service hours.  Either as part of membership in school organizations such as the National Honor Society or religious sacraments such a Confirmation, our youth need these community service hours in order to fulfill their requirements.

The Gauverband Nordamerika is a 501(c)(3) organization.  This means that any volunteer work that is done for the Gauverband is considered community service (with proper documentation).  In order to offer more community service opportunities for our youth as well a provide a benefit to the Gauverband, we are in the process of formalizing a Community Service program to all the youth in the Gauverband’s member Vereine.

Community service to the Gauverband could be volunteering to help a Gau officer at the Gaufest or other Gauverband sanctioned event.  It could be assisting an officer with research or developing and proof reading documentation.  The opportunities are plentiful and the benefits numerous.  This would be a win-win for all those involved as the Gauverband would receive needed assistance and the youth of the Gau would receive community service hours as well as experience and knowledge into the inner workings of the Gauverband.

If you are interesting in having your child or children take part in the Gauverband’s Community Service program, please send me an email at .  I will then get in contact with you with more information and have the participants setup in the program.

Mit Trachtengruβ, Joseph Hubner
Gauverband Nordamerika

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