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Deadlines for Article Submissions:  Feb. 1, May 1, Aug. 1, November 1 (Christmas Greetings and articles).

The "Gauzeitung" is the official publication of the Gauverband Nordamerika. The newsletter is in its 35th year of publication and is issued 4 times a year. It includes articles on many cultural aspects of Bavaria and Tirol, reports from the Gauverband officers, stories from member Vereine about their events such as Fahnenweihen, tours to Germany, and club anniversaries.

Articles from Gaufest Host-Vereine keep us up-to-date on planning. Some broad topics that have been covered in the "Gauzeitung" have been: Dance, Tracht (native costume), Alpine gardening, Alpine instruments, Geistliche (spiritual) Alpine music, old handcrafts, needlework, Bauermalerei (rosemaling), customs throughout the year, and letters/opinions.

As of 2013, photos are printed in color. At Christmas, a supplement allows Vereine and individuals to buy space to send holiday greetings to one another.

Advertising space for suppliers is sold. The "Gauzeitung" is informative and entertaining; anyone interested in Bavarian culture or events within North America should subscribe to this valuable publication.

An index to the articles published in Volumes 1-20 is available. The spreadsheet allows you to search by subject category, author, or word. The pdf is arranged by volume but you can still search for particular words. 

Index links:      Vol. 1-20 as pdf                     Vol. 1-20 as excel

Individual subscriptions to the Gauzeitung are available for $25/year, mailed directly to your home. Vereine may order their subscriptions in bulk at a reduced price -- $15/year each, minimum 5 subscriptions. 

More information: Karin Dean-Kraft, Pressewart,


Gauzeitung Annuals Available

Ever wanted all the articles for one year in a bound volume? Now you can get it! Calendar years 2018-2023 are available now; more years will be added. Each Annual is $25. It is published through, then click on BOOKSTORE, and search for Gauzeitung. Add books to your cart, shipping and handling is charged at checkout. The paper and print quality are as high as the individual issues that are mailed. The fact that all the year's issues, including the Christmas greetings, are in one volume make this convenient -- or give is as a gift.

Gauzeitung Issues Online

Issues of the Gauzeitung are available online! If you click on the links below, you can access the pilot issue in 1985 and all issues through 2021. The issues up to 2009 are in black and white; the issues from 2010 on are in color even though we did not start printing in color until midway through 2013.  The highlights of each issue are listed in each index along with links to the individual issue. If you are unable to open an individual issue, please contact the Pressewart (  Both the index and any of the issues can also be downloaded to your own computer.

Volume 35 - Calendar Year 2023

Volume 34 - Calendar Year 2022

Volume 33 - Calendar Year 2021

Volume 32 - Calendar Year 2020

Volume 31 - Calendar Year 2019

Volume 29 - Calendar Year 2017

Volume 28 - Calendar Year 2016

Volume 27 - Calendar Year 2015

Volume 26 - Calendar Year 2014  

Volume 25 - Calendar Year 2013  

Volume 24 - Calendar Year 2012  

Volume 23 - Calendar Year 2011

Volume 22 - Calendar Year 2010

Volume 21 - Calendar Year 2009

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 20  January 2008 to December 2008 with links to issues 

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 19  December 2006 to December 2007 with links to issues  

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 18  November 2005 to November 2006 with links to issues 

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 17  September 2004 to September 2005 with links to issues 

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 16  August 2003 to August 2004 with links to issues 

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 15  August 2002 to June 2003 with links to issues 

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 14  May 2001 to April 2002 with links to issues 

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 13  March 2000 to March 2001 with links to issues 

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 12  January 1999 to February 2000 with links to issues  

Index to Gauzeitung Volume 11   December 1997 to December 1998 with links to issues  


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 10   November 1996 to October 1997 with links to issues


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 09  August 1995 - September 1996 with links to issues


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 08  July 1994 to July 1995 with links to issues


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 07  February 1993 - May 1994 with links to issues


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 06  November 1991 to December 1992 with links to issues


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 05  October 1990 to September 1991 with links to issues


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 04  October 1989 to August 1990 with links to issues


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 03  September 1988 to August 1989 with links to issues


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 02   November 1987 to August 1988 with links to issues


Index to Gauzeitung Volume 01  September 1986 to July 1987 with links to issues


PILOT ISSUE -- October 1985



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