"Building a future for our youth
and a resource for all of us now"
Bayerischer Trachtenverband Trachtenkulturzentrum - Holzhausen
Information handout about the Förderverein - click here
Take a look at this 11-minute video about the Trachtenkulturzentrum. It's from 2015, so there have been a great deal of changes since; the video is still interesting. Link to video.
Additional pictures under "Trachtenkulturzentrum" link at www.trachtenverband-bayern.de and www.trachtenkulturmuseum.de
Why a "Trachtenkulturzentrum"?
Headquarters for the Bayerische Trachten youth
Information Center for Trachtenvereine and researchers
Historical documentation of the Bayerische Trachten movement
Professional preservation of Trachten
Presentation of the great variety of Trachten in Bayern
Archived Items
Flags and Fest programs, etc.
Volksmusik and Volkslied in Bayern
Plattler and Volkstanz in Bayern
Traditions, language and theater
Beginning Ideas and Concepts
Campground facilities
Demonstrations of various topics
Supporting exhibitions from various Gauverbände and Vereine in Bayern
Documentation for the future
Small store with informational materials
Location of the Bayerischer-Trachtenverband Trachtenkulturzentrum
Location in Bayern Location in Holzhausen Location of Buildings

For more information contact: Michael Olk m_olk@msn.com