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The "Gauzeitung" is the official publication of the Gauverband Nordamerika.  It includes articles on many cultural aspects of Bavaria and Tirol, reports from the Gauverband officers, stories from member Vereine about their events such as Fahnenweihen, tours to Germany, and club anniversaries.  A subscription to the Gauzeitung costs $25 for an individual newsletter mailed directly to the subscriber. Vereine may purchase group subscriptions for $15 each, minimum of 5 subscriptions.  Advertising space is also available.  Contact the Gauverband's Pressewart for more information. Click on title above to read more about the Gauzeitung, see index of previous issues, and link to previous issues. 

2025 Deadlines for article submissions to the Gauzeitung: 

February 1

May 1

 August 1

  November 1 (Christmas Greetings)

  November 1 (articles)






 Trachten Kalender is a pocket size, 50+ page booklet containing: names, addresses, and phone numbers of Trachten Kalender is a pocket size, 50+ page booklet containing: names, addresses, and phone numbers of  Trachten Kalender is a pocket size, 50+ page booklet containing: names, addresses, and phone numbers of  


The Directory is updated every year and includes all the Gauverband Vereine, their address/website address, email address, and other information. It is no longer a pocket book but a downloadable PDF. Check under "Member Vereine" from the home page or click here .








In 1993 the Gauverband honored its 25th anniversary by publishing a 376-page book entitled Gauverband Nordamerika Chronik. A 29-page history of the Gauverband itself chronicles how the organization was formed in 1966 when delegates from 18 Vereine met to draw up bylaws and agree on common goals.  The Chronik may be purchased through the Gauverband's Bibliothekar.  Click on title to read more!


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