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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Requirements Manuals: Updated

The four Requirements Manuals (Hosting a Delegates Meeting, Gaufest, Executive Board Meeting, and Gaurichter Training) have been updated to agreements reached at the 2024 Delegates Meeting. The Meetings Committee reviewed the documents at the recent Gauausschuss Meeting in early March. Questions may be directed to the committee. The documents can be found under Publications/Requirements Manuals/Guidelines.  --Joe Hubner, Chair

Bylaws, Operating Rules, Guidelines, Preisplatteln Rules Updated

The Bylaws, Operating Rules & Guidelines, and Preisplatteln Rules have been updated to reflect all the changes approved at the 2024 Delegates Meeting.  To access these documents, go to Bylaws | Gauverband Nordamerika (About Us/Bylaws).  A Summary of Changes is available for a "quick look."  Questions can be directed to the Bylaws Committee.

Gauzeitung Deadline: February 10

The deadline to submit pictures and articles for the next issue of the Gauzeitung is February 10.  Send them to  Let others know what's been happening in your Verein!

Ring in the New Year with Cowbells!

For the last few years Gauverband Nordamerika has joined the Allgäuer Gauverband in the tradition of ringing in the new year with cow bells (rather than shooting off fireworks).  It was a project started by their 1er Gauvorplattler Christoph Zweng.  They call it Allgäu Schealat.  For the last two years we put together a video that we shared with them.  A link to last year’s video is below.

Gauverband Directory Updated

The Gauverband Directory has been updated to reflect changes submitted as of November 2024.  Go to Member Vereine to access the latest information.  Thank you to Gaubeisitzerin Brenda Nowak for taking on this big task.

Gaufest 2025: Hotel Reservations are Now Open!

We invite you to join us at the 30. Gaufest to be held Thursday July 3 through Sunday, July 6, 2025, in Newark, Delaware. The members of the Enzian Volkstanzgruppe and the United German Hungarians along with the Delaware Saengerbund, look forward to welcoming you to the beautiful grounds of the Delaware Saengerbund.  Our goal is to maintain the culture of the traditional North American Gaufest with a focus on providing an affordable weekend for families.


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