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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

TraDi -- a New Monthly e-Magazine from Trachtenverband Bayern

The Bayerischer Trachtenverband has introduced a new monthly e-magazine premiering today! It is called TraDi--Tracht und Tradition Digital. The focus of the magazine is to provide in-depth articles about traditions that take place in Bayern. On the first of every month, the new issue of the magazine will be announced on the Trachtenverband's website and its other social media platforms. The first issue has 8 articles in it that take up 28 pages. Different knowledgeable authors write the interesting articles, there are plenty of beautiful photos, and the layout is terrific.

Trachtenmuseum in Holzhausen

Here's a link to a wonderful video (5 minutes) about the newly opened Trachtenmuseum in Holzhausen. The museum was completed and opened in early September. Abendschau - Der Süden: Das neue Trachtenkulturmuseum | ARD Mediathek  Sounds like many of us will be planning a visit there on our next trip to Bayern!


Trachtenverband Bayern's 2024 Seminar Programs

The Bayerischer Trachtenverband has published its list of seminars for 2024. These will be held at the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen throughout the year starting in February.

Tragic News from D'Wageggler Haldenwang

Thomas Karg of D’Wageggler in Haldenwang shared the tragic news that their Vorsitzende Miriam (Benda) Reiter and her unborn son passed away on September 21st.  There is a writeup on their website 

Apply for the 2024 Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship!

You have until December 31, 2023, to apply for the Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship! All the information--guidelines and application--is at this LINK.  The Scholarship Committee is looking forward to reading this year's applications.


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