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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

50ger Festmarsch Sheet Music Online

The sheet music for the 50ger Festmarsch is now online under Resources/Music or click THIS LINK to go to the music directly.  Gaumusikwart Rick Michels wrote the Festmarsch in honor of the Gauverband's 50. Jubiläum in 2016. The video of the premier of this lively march, played for the first time at the Delegates Meeting in St. Paul in 2016, is available on the website and now so is the sheet music. Enjoy! 

Trauer um Georg Westner, Bay. Trachtenverband

Der Gauverband Nordamerika ist bestürzt über die Nachricht vom Tod von Georg Westner.  Seine Taten im Leben zeigten seine wahre Hingabe an die Trachtenbewegung und wir werden ihn schmerzlich vermissen.

Unser Beileid gilt seiner Familie und dem Bayerischen Trachtenverband.

Mit Trachtengruß, Tom Vogt, 1.Gauvorstand

Remembering Dan Biehler

We are saddened to hear that Dan Biehler passed away in March. Dan was the Gauverband’s first Gaumusikwart, appointed to the position by Gauvorstand Walter Wieand in 1992. He served until 1994 when he did not run for reelection due to work commitments. Dan was a tremendously knowledgeable and talented musician, playing button box accordion, Hackbrett, and several other instruments. At the 1992 and 1994 Delegates Meetings and the 1993 Gaufest, he led several music workshops. Dan was 81 when he passed away.

Holzhausen Trachtenmuseum -- Worth the Trip!

If you're going to Bayern this summer, stopping at the Trachtenkulturmuseum in Holzhausen is well worth it.  The complex is quite impressive.  The museum exhibits are all new as of last year and everything is in German and English with interactive exhibits.  The hours of operation are:

  • Thursday & Friday 1-5 pm
  • Saturday & Sunday 12-5 pm
  • Holidays 12-5 pm  (May 20, May 30, Aug. 15)

While you're there, stop in at the Cafe Komod which is on the premises of Holzhausen. Cafe hours are:

Delegates Meeting: Here's How it Went

The Gauverband thanks the members of Enzian Volkstanzgruppe and the Delaware Sängerbund for the terrific hospitality at the Delegates Meeting the weekend of May 3-5. The grounds and hall at the clubhouse in Newark, Delaware, are the perfect size and atmosphere for holding an event like ours. Chairperson Teresa Vikari and her crew were well prepared for us. Vergelt's Gott!

Fifty Vereine attended with 94 delegates, 34 alternates, and 38 observers for a total of 166 Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen.

Gauzeitung Deadline: May 1

Yes, May 1 is right around the corner and that's the official Gauzeitung deadline. If you need more time after that, just let me know because I can likely accommodate you.  This issue will have the Delegates Meeting recap in it, so that can't happen until after the meeting. I hope to get the issue out before I go to Bayern the end of May, but it all depends on content, when the printer gets done with it, and whether I can get it mailed before leaving. So please be patient. If not by the end of May, then the issue will be expanded to include the Bayerischer Löwe!


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