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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Delegates Meeting: Here's How it Went

The Gauverband thanks the members of Enzian Volkstanzgruppe and the Delaware Sängerbund for the terrific hospitality at the Delegates Meeting the weekend of May 3-5. The grounds and hall at the clubhouse in Newark, Delaware, are the perfect size and atmosphere for holding an event like ours. Chairperson Teresa Vikari and her crew were well prepared for us. Vergelt's Gott!

Fifty Vereine attended with 94 delegates, 34 alternates, and 38 observers for a total of 166 Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen.

Gauzeitung Deadline: May 1

Yes, May 1 is right around the corner and that's the official Gauzeitung deadline. If you need more time after that, just let me know because I can likely accommodate you.  This issue will have the Delegates Meeting recap in it, so that can't happen until after the meeting. I hope to get the issue out before I go to Bayern the end of May, but it all depends on content, when the printer gets done with it, and whether I can get it mailed before leaving. So please be patient. If not by the end of May, then the issue will be expanded to include the Bayerischer Löwe!

Delegates Meeting: Final Information & Documents

Below is a LINK to all the documents you need for the delegates meeting.  This will allow you to view, download and print if you choose.

TraDi - Trachtenverband Bayern's Latest Publication

The latest issue of the Trachtenverband Bayern's new publication "TraDi" is now available online at their website. Or click THIS LINK to open the magazine. Some topics--history of aprons, how to grow your membership, traditions involving horses, history of Georg the dragonslayer, recipe for a St.

Bayerischer Löwe and Huosigau Heimattage

We are working to finalize our plans for the Preisplatteln um den Bayerischen Löwen and concurrent Huosigau Gaufest in June. All Vereine that are planning to attend should please let me know, by April 20, how many people from your Verein will be attending and whether you are bringing your Vereinsfahne.

Delegates Meeting: Hotel Info Updates

The Enzian Volkstanzgruppe, hosts of the 2024 Delegates Meeting, have asked me to share the following information, which was e-mailed to all Vereine.  The first hotel is currently at full occupancy and there are 2 additional hotels available, and the details are below. 

 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Wilmington-Newark, 1201 Christiana Road, Newark, DE 19713, 302-737-2700

Cutoff date: Wed. April 24.  GROUP CODE:  DS1


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