published by Walter Kraft on Mon, 03/10/2014 - 18:58
Below are the preliminary items for the 2014 Delegates Meeting. A final copy will be emailed to the Vereine and posted on the website at the end of the month. Additional agenda items not requiring a Bylaws change can still be included. I have not received any bids for the 2016 Delegates Meeting and would appreciate receiving them as soon as they can be available. Officer reports will be available two weeks before the Delegates Meeting on this website.
published by Joe Hubner on Sat, 01/25/2014 - 00:33
As the youth of our Vereine grow into teenagers and then adults, there seems to be a growing demand for them to complete a mandatory amount of community service hours. Either as part of membership in school organizations such as the National Honor Society or religious sacraments such a Confirmation, our youth need these community service hours in order to fulfill their requirements.
published by Walter Kraft on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 21:56
As a reminder, the next Delegates Meeting will be hosted by the Enzian Volkstanz Gruppe of Newark, Delaware and will take place from May 3 – 4, 2014 at the Delaware Saengerbund Clubhouse in Newark, Delaware. To prepare for this meeting, please:
published by Joe Hubner on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 21:45
The summary of the responses to the 2013 Gaufest questionnaire is available at the link below. Comments have been summarized and arranged to provide a better flow and eliminate redundancy. A number at the beginning of each comment indicates that the particular comment (or similar comment) was submitted by multiple respondents.
published by Karin Dean-Kraft on Wed, 10/02/2013 - 21:13
The Bayerischer Trachtenverband held its annual Landestagung last weekend in Reit-im-Winkl in the Chiemgau. The link below goes to 249 pictures of the event which included meetings, church service, Heimatabend, and cultural exhibit. Jerry and Marie Hugel from New York’s Schlierachtaler Stamm attended and are included on #210, a photo of representatives of all 22 Gauverbände that belong to the Trachtenverband.
published by Michael Olk on Wed, 08/28/2013 - 01:36
If you have not already registered your intent to participate in the Trachten- und Schützenumzug on September 21, 2014, the end-of-August deadline is fast approaching. Please let Michael Olk know your intentions as soon as possible at Michael Olk, 21848 Harrison St., Gretna, NE 68028 Or send an email to