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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Student Exchange Program with Bayern

NEW!!!   Unfortunately, the exchange program will not be taking place in 2013 due to circumstances beyond our control.  Instead, it will be pushed to 2014.  Questions should be addressed to Michael Olk.

Design Contest!

North America is celebrating 100 years of Trachtenvereine in 2014, and we will be commemorating this epic milestone with a custom designed pin to be available at the next Delegates Meeting.

Get your creative juices flowing and submit several designs for consideration. Remember this will be a custom die struck metal pin possibly with color fill; highly intricate designs and half tones may not produce well.

The contest will start October  1 and end on December 31, 2012, with a final decision at the next Ausschussversammlung (March 2013).

Minutes of 2012 Delegates Meeting Available

The minutes of the 2012 Executive Board and Delegates Meetings are now available. The document also includes all officer and committee reports. Vereine will be notified by snail-mail that the minutes have been posted to the website.  Click on the link to read or download the document, which is 92 pages long.   2012 Delegates/Board Meeting Minutes and Reports

Content added to Dance & Music

Lots of changes and additions! Instructions & music for the Pinzgauer Landler mit Plattler and music for the Böhmerwald Landler have been added. Both were taught at the Delegates Meeting. The missing music for several dances has been added (Bauernmadl, Kikeriki, Hirtamadl, Niederbayerischer Landler, Gauplattler). A reference handout about the differences between Schuhplattler, Volkstänze, and Trachtentänze is now available.  All of this is on the "Dance Instruction" section of the website.

Gauverband Fahne's Interview

Our beautiful Gauverband Nordamerika Fahne was interviewed about how it felt to be back in Bayern for the first time in 40 years. The interview appeared in the June 15, 2012, issue of the Heimat- und Trachtenbote (see link below). The flag, which still speaks Bayrisch, was thrilled to breathe Bavarian air, walk through the streets of Gauting to much applause, lead the delegation of North Americans in the Festzug, and stand next to the stage while our Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen performed an Ehrentanz. Who knew that the flag would be so proud of its momentous trip?

Gau-N.A. Participated in Gauting's Festwoche

Participating in the Bayerischer Löwe was certainly an exciting event for Gauverband Nordamerika. Another great part of that weekend was participating in the 265-year Jubilee of Vereine in Gauting – D’Würmlust Stamm Gauting Trachtenverein celebrated its 100th anniversary; the Feuerwehr (volunteer firefighters Verein) celebrated 140 years; and the Schöne Münchnerin society celebrated its 25th.  In a parade on Sunday that spanned about ½ a mile, 70 different Vereine took part, including about 60 people from Gauverband Nordamerika.


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