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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Ehrentanz Schedule for Gaufest is Available

Updated June 28 by Mark La Course, 1. Gauvorplattler. The Ehrentanz schedule for the 2011 Gaufest has been finalized.  Click on the link below to find out when each Verein is dancing and what dances are being performed. The schedule is up to date as of June 26 and is subject to change.

2011 Ehrentanz Schedule for Gaufest

Minutes of Judges Preparation Weekend Available

Submitted by Mark La Course, 1. Gauvorplattler The minutes of the Judges Preparation Weekend are available online!  Click on the link below to read them.

2011 Judges Preparation Minutes

Welcome to the New Gauverband website

submitted June 10, 2011 by C. Marquardt The new Gauverband website is here!  The new website is designed and hosted by Andrew Horn (H.S.V. Bavaria) and his team at The TechHaus. Thank you, Andrew!  Please register using your real name and sign in to have access to comments.

Minutes to Ausschussversammlung Available

The Minutes to the Gauverband's Ausschussversammlung (Executive Board Meeting) held March 5-6, 2011, are now available at the link below. The meeting was hosted by STV Bavaria at their clubhouse outside of Cleveland, Ohio. The document includes all reports and minutes.

2011 Ausschuss Meeting Minutes

Latest Bylaws Operating Rules and Guidelines Available

Submitted March 14, 2011, updated June 10, by K.Dean-Kraft Below are the links to documents that contain a summary of changes made at the 2010 Delegates Meeting, the updated Bylaws, and the updated Operating Rules (which includes PREISPLATTELN RULES), and Guidelines. For the latest Jugendeinzelplatteln rules, please look under Resources/Jugend.  Still to come: Guidelines to Hosting a Gaufest, Delegates Meeting, and Executive Board Meeting. Please direct questions to Karin Dean-Kraft, Bylaws Committee Chairperson at

2010 Summary of Changes.pdf
2010 Bylaws FINAL.pdf
2010 GauRules and Guidelines FINAL.pdf

2011 Gauverband Nordamerika Ausschuss Sitzung

submitted 8March2011 by C. MarquardtTheofficers of Gauverband Nordamerika held their annual meeting in Cleveland, Ohio on March 5 & 6, 2011. Our hosts, S.T.V. Bavaria, did an excellent job! The minutes of the meeting will be posted to the Gau website in the next weeks. A new Gau website will be online before the end of March. There may be a few days when the website is offline to make the switch. 


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