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24. Gaufest Preisplatteln Results

Congratulations to all those dancers who participated in the Einzel- and Gruppenpreisplattln at the 24.Gaufest. The results of each category are at the links below.

Einzelpreisplatteln 16-34 Age Group

Einzelpreisplatteln 35-49 Age Group

Einzelpreisplatteln 50-59 Age Group

Einzelpreisplatteln 60+ Age Group


To those who placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in Einzelplatteln and 1st and 2nd in Gruppen, the Gauverband has to have all of the judges required of us before anyone is invited to participate in the Bayerischer Löwe in 2014. I will inform those who are eligible when that step becomes finalized. Until that time, please direct all inquiries regarding the Bayerischer Löwe to me. (Info only at this point: The Löwe is being hosted by the Altbayerisch-Schwäbischer Gauverband on June 20, 2014, in Königsburg near Augsburg.)

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