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Flag Committee News - Dues by April 1

Paul Stanavage, Gaurevisor, asked that the following be posted.  Dues for the 2020-2021 time period for members of the Flag Committee are due by April 1, 2020.  Please see the attachment for where to mail the dues.  Interested in the Flag Committee?  The attachment also contains the Committee's Guidelines & Operating Procedures and an application to become part of it.  Dues Notice, Guidelines and Operating Procedures, Application

Ausschuss Nominations for 2020 Delegates Meeting

New Nominations Procedure for Delegates Meeting 2020

Grüß Gott, Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen!

Update 2/18/2020:  Three current Ausschuss members have chosen not to run for reelection.  The positions are Gauschriftführer, Gauarchivar, and (one) Gaubeisitzer. 

2020 April 18: Almrausch Philadelphia's 95. Stiftungsfest

CANCELLED     GTV Almrausch, Philadelphia, PA, will be celebrating its 95. Stiftungsfest on Saturday, April 18, with doors opening at 6 pm.  The special anniversary celebration at the Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Road, Philadelphia, promises music and performances and fun from 7-11 pm. The event is free for guest Schuhplattler Vereine but let Almrausch know how many will be attending from your Verein. Need overnight accommodations?

2020 Gaufeste in Bayern

Planning a vacation in Bayern this year?  Take your pick of 15 Gaufeste!  Here are the dates:

As of April 15, 2020, the government of Germany has ruled that large gatherings through August 31, 2020 are not allowed.

2020 Delegates Meeting Registration Packets

Die Gemütlichen Schuhplattler, our Delegates Meeting host, recently sent out the registration packets via email to all Vereine.  The packets include forms that need to be returned to the host by March 27 (transportation, credentials, flower order form). You can also access this information at their website at THIS LINK, then click on "Gau Delegates," and view or download the packet.

The cover letter reads:

Griass di Gott! Lieber Trachtler,

Next Gauzeitung Deadline: February 1

It's time to get a new issue of the Gauzeitung out to you!  The deadline is February 1.  Send your articles, annoucements, pictures to  Let's make it another informative and fun issue.


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