Here's another update to help us prepare for the upcoming Trachtenfest that's occurring in conjunction with our Bayerischer Löwe event in Haldenwang later this year.
Some of you may have discovered that there is more than one Haldenwang in Germany. Please check your hotel reservations to be sure you have a room in or near the correct town. The event is in the Haldenwang very close to Kempten. The Postleitzahl (ZIP code) for the correct Haldenwang is 87490.
There has been some discussion on Facebook about the WM Plattler (Weltmeisterschaft Plattler). I would like to officially announce that D'Wageggler have asked all visiting Vereine to learn this Plattler so that it can be performed as a Burschenplattler at their event. D'Wageggler conducted an improptu workshop late one evening (or early one morning) at the Gaufest. We need to learn this Plattler to support our friends in Haldenwang. At the link below you will find an mp3 file of the music (the Maxglaner Marsch), the sheet music, and a good instructional video that was prepared by STV Bavaria in Cleveland. We'll also be prepared to run through this at our upcoming Delegates meeting.
Check out this link for the entire info post #4 (the above is just a synopsis) and the links to the Maxglaner Plattler music and video. Maps, hotel info, and more is available here: Bayerischer Löwe Info Page