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Check your Verein's Parade Count for the Oktoberfest!

A matrix (this link) of people walking in the Oktoberfest parade was sent out by email today. Please take a quick look and make sure that the information is correct for your Verein. Early this week, the parade lineup will be posted.  Thank you!

Monday Performances at Oide Wiesn

On Monday, September 19, Gauverband Nordamerika is scheduled to dance at the Oide Wiesn. This LINK takes you to the information dancers and all attending on Monday need to know. It will be an exciting day but we all need to be flexible and patient with the schedule!  

Latest Oktoberfest Details

The countdown is on and the excitement is getting closer. As I am getting more and more information from the Festring in München, I would like to inform everyone on some important updates. 

Good Info from our Fahnenträger - version 2

Klaus Vikari, Gauverband Fahnenträger, has written the following that is especially important to those Fahnenträger who will be going to the Münchener Oktoberfest.  Updated August 24 with info about Fahnenbegleiter.

We are now on the countdown to Munich Oktoberfest and the Trachtenzug on Sunday, September 18!

Flowers for Munich Oktoberfest

If your Verein is going to the Oktoberfest in Munich, don't forget to order your fresh flowers! Check out the area near your hotel and make sure you'll be able to get flowers in the quantity and colors you need. An alternative: Our friend Vroni Bellinger from Trachten Poellmann has arranged with a flower shop near the business to take orders for flowers. YOU MUST DO THIS DIRECTLY WITH THE FLOWER SHOP (not through Trachten Poellmann).

2022 Gaufest Survey -- Please Participate

Gauschriftführerin Janet Malofiy recently sent this out to all the Vereine via email:  You are invited to go to the following link to complete the 28. Gaufest survey.  All those who attended are encouraged to participate so feel free to share.   



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