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Delegates approve donation to Holzhausen

submitted 9May2008 by C. Marquardt. At the Delegate's Meeting in St. Paul, Michael Olk, Gau Archivar, presented a workshop on Gau History. Sunday morning when he presented his report on the workshop a motion was made and passed for Gauverband Noramerika to send a $500 donation to the Bayerische Förderverein for the Haus der bayerischen Trachtenkultur in Holzhausen. The motion was amended to include a matching donation to the German American center in Washington, D.C.. The donations will be sent in 30 days to allow time for Vereine or individuals to make further donations and combined checks will be sent. Donations can be sent to John Blank, Gaukassier: 157 Amsterdam Road, Lancaster, PA. 

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