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Gauzeitung Deadline: August 1

The deadline to submit articles and photos for the Gauzeitung is August 1.  Send your club's news to  If you have not yet submitted your 2020 college and high school graduation information to Gaujugendvertreterin Diane Meck, hurry up!  The deadline has passed but maybe Diane will slip your grads in anyway.  Send them to  It's been a pretty quiet and largely uneventful Vereinsleben for us since the last issue, but let's share what we've been doing to keep in touch wit

Gau-NA Takes on Klopapier Challenge

The Allgäuer Gauverband challenged Gauverband Nordamerika to the Klopapier Challenge.  Your Gau-Ausschuss rose to the challenge with this video.  CLICK TO WATCH      

2020 June 13: Long Island Bavarian "Virtual" Fest


Gauzeitung from 2018 Now Available Online

2018 was an exciting year for the Gauverband.  The Delegates Meeting was held in Omaha and the next month we were off to host the Bayerischer Löwe in Haldenwang.

Who are the 2020 Graduates?

Every year the Gauzeitung publishes the names and pictures of those in the Vereine who have graduated from high school or college. Send your 2020 grad's name, school, Verein, and future plans to Diane Meck, Gaujugendvertreterin, at

2020 Ausschuss Meeting Minutes -- COMPLETE

The minutes of the Gauausschussversammlung are now complete.  Officer reports, committee reports, and the report of the 2019 Gaufest have been added.  These links have been sent to all Vereine.  The minutes and reports can be read online or downloaded.


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