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2022 Preisplatteln Rules Available Online

We know that many Vereine are already beginning to prepare for the Preisplatteln at the 2023 Gaufest at the Kalahari and want to see the latest Preisplatteln Rules. The Preisplatteln Rules have been updated to include all the rule changes approved at the 2022 Delegates Meeting. The rules can be seen at THIS LINK or you can access them from the website home page under About Us/Bylaws. You can download them, view them online, or print them (26 pages). Questions can be directed to the Bylaws Committee (Karin Schwab, Paul Ulrich, or Karin Dean Kraft) or to any of the dance officers. 

Note that the Bylaws, Operating Rules, and Guidelines are still being worked on but will be available online within the next two weeks.

Bayerischer Löwe 2023 - Part 2

Part 2 -- posted Dec. 12, 2022:  The host Verein of the 2023 Preisplatteln um den Bayerischen Löwen, D’Würmlust Stamm Gauting, contacted me to confirm that plans for the 2023 Bayerischer Löwe are now official.  It will be held in conjunction with the 90th Isargaufest, which will take place in Gauting from Wednesday, May 17, 2023, to Sunday, May 21, 2023. The competition is on Thursday, May 18. Their published program was emailed to the Vereine the end of November.

Remembering John Schaefer

We are saddened to hear that John Schaefer, former 1.Vorstand of Gauverband Nordamerika, passed away on November 21, 2022.  John was elected as a Beisitzer at the Delegates Meeting in Denver in 1969.  He served in that role until he was elected to the position of 2.Vorstand in Milwaukee in January 1974.  John then served the Gauverband in this capacity until he was elected as our 1.Vorstand in Anaheim 2002.

28. Gaufest Survey Results are In!

Thank you to everyone who took part in the 28. Gaufest Survey over the past three months.  We once again had great participation with over 230 responses. The LINKED FILE contains a summary of all the responses.  The purpose of the survey is to provide the Meetings Committee as well as future Gaufest hosts valuable feedback that can help with the planning of future Gaufeste and ways to improve the event.

Paul Ulrich Sr Scholarship Applications Being Accepted

An email was sent out to all the Vereine in mid-September with the guidelines and application for the 2023 Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship.  Applications should be submitted by December 31, 2022.  THIS LINK takes you to the guidelines and application.  All application requirements must be completed to be eligible for the award.

Watch the Oktoberfest Parade on the Internet

Update 9/18:  Watch the parade anytime for the next 30 days!  At THIS LINK.   Watch the one-hour show "Wiesn Frühschoppen" at THIS LINK.  Lots of audience footage of GauNA; the Inngau dances and Rudy Leschke and Matt & Pat LaCourse dance with them; and a wonderful interview with Rudy


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