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Gauzeitung Deadline: August 10

What's been happening in your Verein?  Send an article and some photos to for the next issue (#3).  Deadline is August 10.  If you're wondering where Issue #2 is hiding, it will be going in the mail in a week.  16 pages of so many articles!!

2024 Delegates Meeting Minutes Now Online

The minutes of the 2024 Delegates Meeting, Reports from Gaufeste, Bids for 2027 Gaufest & 2026 Delegates Meetings, and minutes/reports of 2024 Gau-Ausschuss Meeting are now available online under Reports / Minutes | Gauverband Nordamerika.  The link was also sent to all the Vereine via email.  (Photo is of the Ausschuss elected and appointed at the 2024 Meeting.)

Bayrischer Loewe 2024 Results

6/15/2024 Edit to add LINK TO COMPLETE RESULTS

What a great day it was for Gau-NA.  So very proud of our dancers.  Congratulations to all of you!

GNA had 2 groups (12 groups total) in the Löwe, with amazing results:

  • SG Edelweiss St. Paul -- 2nd place
  • GTV Almrausch Philadelphia -- 5th place

23 dancers were involved in Einzelplatteln, again with some amazing results.

Deandl 17-34 (31 competitors)

Ruhe in Frieden, Charles Volkman

The Gauverband Nordamerika is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Charles Volkman of SuGTV Washingtonia on the morning of May 30, 2024.

Wanted: 2024 Grads by June 30

It's time to put the 2024 graduate pages together for the Gauzeitung!  Please send me your grads -- high school, trade school, college -- by June 30.  Include grad's name, Verein, diploma/degree, future plans, and a picture of the grad, preferably in Tracht.  Send it to me by June 30 at  The issue is always a pleasure to read.

Minutes of 1967-2000 Meetings Available Online

The minutes to all the Gau-NA meetings from 1967-2000 have been scanned and are now available online.  Look under About Us/Reports-Meetings to find the link.  It's a great resource if you're interested in the Gauverband's history.  


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