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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Lechgaufest & Bayerischer Löwe 2016 -- Who's Going?

Gauverband Nordamerika has been invited to participate in the 93. Lechgau Trachtenfest und Fahnenweihe on July 15-17. We'd like to let the host Verein know how many of us are coming so that they can plan on us marching with them in the Festumzug and so they can reserve seats for us in the Festzelt. If your Verein is planning on participating, please contact Rudy Leschke, 2. Gauvorplattler, at to let him know how many from your Verein are planning to attend.

Contribute to a Survey!

As chair of the Gauverband’s Communication and Education Committee, I’m asking for your input so we can learn from one another. Our request is for your Verein to take some time to go to this link and complete the survey as soon as possible. We hope to learn and share best practices around recruiting; Verein structure, purpose, and activities; rehearsal and dance performances; partnerships with other cultural organizations that are helping your Verein.

Where will the 2019 Gaufest be?

Planning for a Gaufest starts at least three years ahead of time! At this year's Delegates Meeting in May, the site of the 2019 Gaufest will be selected. Bids for the Gaufest are due by January 30, and so far, nothing official has been received. If your Verein will be bidding or is interested in bidding, contact Meetings Committee Chairman Joe Hubner ( The deadline can be extended accordingly. Don't be shy! After all, what would an "odd" year be without a Gaufest to celebrate?

Opportunity to Volunteer

The Gauverband's Beisitzer and the Media and Communications Committees are looking for volunteers to work on improving our social media presence.  If you're interested in helping, please email


Gauzeitung for 2012 & 2013 Now Online

Take a look under "Publications/ Gauzeitung" to see the Gauzeitung issues that were published in 2012 and 2013. You can view them online or download them to your own computer. All issues are in color even though they were not printed in color until mid 2013. When you open the link, you'll see an index of each issue with highlights of what is in the issue. Click on the issue link to take you to that issue. Years 2009-2011 have been available for a while already. Any problems with the links, let me know!

Gauzeitung Christmas Greetings - Dec. 15

The November issue of the Gauzeitung is on its way. Time to turn my attention to the Christmas issue. Please let me know whether you or your Verein would like to take out a greeting to your fellow Gauverband members. The ads will be in color -- you can design your own ad or send me the outline of what you'd like in it.  Prices: $150/full page; $90/half page; $60/quarter page; $30 for 1/8 page. Deadline for notifying me of the space you'd like -- Dec. 15 (even if the actual ad doesn't arrive til Dec.


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