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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Interview with Gau-NA's Gaufahne

Our Gau-Fahne seems to open up to Bavarian Anita Biereder.

Tracht Workshop Presentation Available

At the 2015 Gaufest in Milwaukee, Vroni Menzinger from the Trachtenverein D'Würmtaler Menzing in München, gave an excellent presentation about Tracht titled "What to Wear When."  Festtracht, Tanztracht, Tanzgwand, Boarisch Gwand -- so many variations!  The Powerpoint presentation shown at the workshop is now available on this website under "Resources/ Tracht."  Nearly 80 slides with numerous photos take the reader through the history, etiquette, and problems of Tracht.  Vroni also showed a brief video of one way of folding and pinning a shawl.  The video

Gau-NA Featured on Bayerischer Rundfunk

Bayerischer Rundfunk reporter Barbara Leidl was at our Gaufest to do a report about Trachtler in North America. Her first written report was published on the BR website recently, complete with many photos she took.  Take a look at the link.  And stay tuned for her one-hour radio report to be broadcast on Bayern 2  on August 30 at 12:05 pm (German time).   Link to Article

Jugendeinzelpreisplatteln -- Results

Congratulations to our youth who participated in Jugendeinzelpreisplatteln!  The results are in the link:  2015 Jugend EP Results

Heidi von Recklinghausen, Gaujugendvertreterin

Sources for Volksmusik & Volkslieder

At the 2014 Delegates Meeting, Gau-Musikwart Rick Michels distributed a list of links to sites to download notes for Volksmusik and Volkslieder. A great resource for musicians and singers!  You can find the link under the “Music” tab or click on this link: Where to find Volksmusik


Einzelpreisplatteln Deadline June 10

The deadline to register for Einzelpreisplatteln to be held at this year's Gaufest is June 10. Dancers must be registered through the on-line registration system set up by the host Verein, D'Oberlandler Milwaukee. The administrator for each Verein has the necessary access to complete this task. This deadline is set by the dance officers of the Gauverband to coincide with the upcoming judges training session this weekend. At that meeting, the dance order for the Einzelpreisplatteln couples will be determined.


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