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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Einzelpreisplatteln Deadline June 10

The deadline to register for Einzelpreisplatteln to be held at this year's Gaufest is June 10. Dancers must be registered through the on-line registration system set up by the host Verein, D'Oberlandler Milwaukee. The administrator for each Verein has the necessary access to complete this task. This deadline is set by the dance officers of the Gauverband to coincide with the upcoming judges training session this weekend. At that meeting, the dance order for the Einzelpreisplatteln couples will be determined.

Holzhausen - Videos about Grand Opening

Here are links to three videos about the grand opening festivities in Holzhausen on May 2, 2015.  The fourth link takes you to five articles from Bavarian newspapers about the opening.

Holzhausen to Celebrate Grand Opening!

Gauvorstand Tom Vogt, Ehrengauvorstand Walter Wieand, Gaubeisitzer Bob Hugel, and Gaufahnenträger Klaus Vikari are on their way to Bayern to take part in the grand opening of the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen. The festivities on Saturday, May 2, will start with a church service in the inner courtyard of the complex and continue all day and Sunday. As each of the buildings has been completed over the last 10 years, there has been an opening to celebrate its introduction.

2015 Ausschuss Meeting Minutes Available

The 2015 Gau-Ausschussversammlung (Executive Board Meeting) Minutes are now available to read online, download, or print.  All 58 pages of it!  The document includes the minutes and all officer and committee reports. Click on the link below or go to About Us/Reports-Minutes, where the link can also be found.   Click on link2015 Gau-Ausschussversammlung Minutes


Funeral Arrangements for Marie & Jerry Hugel

The news of the sudden, tragic deaths of Marie and Jerry Hugel of GTEV Schlierachtaler Stamm has traveled quickly through the German community. They have been an integral part of the Gauverband since its founding, and it is hard to think of our organization without them. Marie and Jerry loved their Bavarian heritage and were regular visitors to the clubs on the east coast, at every Gaufest, and at major events all over the country and in Bavaria. Their enthusiastic attendance at the München Oktoberfest last year, riding in the horse drawn coach, will stay in our memories.

Sad News

On behalf of the Gauverband, my condolences to Gaubeisitzer Bob Hugel and his entire family on the tragic passing of his parents, Jerry and Marie Hugel, on Friday, April 10. Both were key members of their Verein, GTEV Schlierachtaler Stamm, New York. In addition, Marie had served on the Gauverband's Ausschuß as both a Beisitzer and Vortänzerin. Ruhe in Frieden.  (As more information becomes available, this post will be updated.)


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