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Book Introduction: Faszination Tracht

The Gau-Ehrenvorstand of the Bayerischer Inngau, Walter Weinzierl, and photographer Rainer Nitzsche collaborated on a fantastic new book called "Faszination Tracht."  The 141-page book has 150 photos, each more beautiful than the last.  The text is informative and clear.  The Tracht is from the Inngau and Chiemgau regions and the photos were taken at various Gau- and Vereinsfeste in the area. A "must-have" for anyone who loves Tracht.

Gauzeitung Deadline - Sept. 1, 2018

The deadline for submitting articles for the upcoming issue of the Gauzeitung is September 1.  Send your articles and photos (or questions!) to  Let people know what's going on in your Verein!

Article about Gau-NA in Bavarian Newspaper

Anton Hötzelsperger, Press Liaison of the Bayerischer Trachtenverband, published an article in the Samerberger Nachrichten about the friendship between Gau-NA and our friends in Bayern.

2019 Gaufest: Hotel Reservation Line OPEN

Click on to go to the registration site.  The hotel reservation line for the Hilton Hotel opens at 12:01 am on August 1, 2018.  Host Verein Alt-Washingtonia has detailed instructions on reserving your room at THIS LINK.  If you're going to make your reservations online, you'll need to keep

Bayerischer Löwe -- Another Article & Great Pictures

Many articles about the Bayerischer Löwe were published in the local Bavarian newspapers.  This particular one focuses on D'Ammertaler Diessen, including their connection to Gau-NA. There are 25 wonderful photos that accompany the article.  You're sure to recognize a lot of friends!  CLICK HERE

2018 November 16-18 Isartaler Pittsburgh's Fahnenweihe

Invitation from D'Lustigen Isartaler, Pittsburgh, PA --

Griaß Gott liabe Trachtler u. Trachtlerinnen,


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