The fall issue of the Gauzeitung, which will have a great pictorial of the Oktoberfest in München, is still in the works. The past couple of months have turned out to be a bit of a challenge for me, and unfortunately I’m far behind on Gau-work. But the issue will be out soon… truly! After that, on to the Christmas issue. Which brings me to asking for your Christmas ads from both individuals and Vereine. This year, the issue will again be in beautiful color. The prices are: 1/8 page $30; ¼ page $60; ½ page $90, & full page $150. The deadline to submit an ad is December 15. Send them to Or give me a call. Note: Bills for the 2015 Gauzeitung subscription year will go out in January (yup, I’m behind on that, too!). $20 for individual subscriptions; $13 each if mailed in a batch to a Verein. (If you don’t want to wait for a bill, feel free to send in your payment.)