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1.Gau-Nordamerika Fingerhakel-Meisterschaft

Servus alle,
I am happy to confirm that after working with the Education Committee and Alt-Washingtonia, we will be conducting the 1.Gau-Nordamerika Fingerhakel-Meisterschaft at the 27.Gaufest in Washington, D.C.

2019 March 9: Mid-Atlantic Jugendeinzelplatteln & Heimatabend

Bayern Verein Newark invites you to the 16th Annual Mid-Atlantic Jugendeinzelplatteln u. Heimatabend on Saturday, March 9, 2019. The event will be held at the Bradley Gardens Volunteer Fire Company Hall (24 Old York Rd, Bridgewater, NJ 08807) beginning at 10:00 am, doors open at 9:00 am.

2019 March 29-30 - Mittelwest Bezirksfest in Chicago

HTV Edelweiss, Chicago, will be hosting the 29. Mittelwest Bezirksheimatfest on March 29-30 in Chicago.  You're invited!  Get complete information on hotel, tickets, and what to expect at this link.  Order tickets by February 15 for a discounted price.  Enjoy a  great weekend with Trachtenkameraden who come from all over Gau-NA to take part.

Judges Training Report Available

Judges Training was held in November..The dance officers have issued their report about the weekend training event that was hosted by the Alpenrose Schuhplattler Gruppe in Lancaster, PA.  It includes an overview of the meeting as well as key points discussed with the judges.  Click on THIS LINK to read the report on line or download it.  You can also access the report from the About Us/Report-Minutes

Ulrich Scholarship Deadline: December 31!

This is a reminder that the Paul Ulrich Scholarship applications are due at the end of this month - due by December 31, 2018. The application and guideline can be downloaded from the Gauverband website :  CLICK FOR SCHOLARSHIP INFO.

Please forward this information to any of your members who are the following:

2020 June 18-19: Oberammergau Passion Play Trip

As of March 19, 2020:  The Passion Plays have been cancelled for 2020 and will not be performed until 2022.  Refunding of ticket money will occur.

Date is firm:  Thursday, June 18, 2020!!


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