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We're Invited! Lechgaufest 2016 in Steingaden, Allgäu

The invitation has arrived! “Almfrieden” Steingaden is the host of the 2016 Lechgaufest to be held in Steingaden in the Allgäu next year. Gauverband Nordamerika is invited to participate in the Gaufest on the weekend of July 15-17 and in the Bayerischer Löwe the following weekend, July 23.  Gauvorstand Tom Vogt has passed the invitation along to the dance officers who will be sharing the information with those eligible to compete at the Löwe.  The invitation gives many details of the week-long events (click on link to view or download). Here’s the schedule in a nutshell:

  • Friday, July 15: Bayerischer Abend mit Tanz
  • Saturday, July 16: Grosser Gauheimatabend
  • Sunday, July 17: Festgottesdienst und Fahnenweihe, Frühschoppen und Mittagessen, Festumzug, Ehrentänze
  • Friday, July 22: Goasslschnalzer-Treffen
  • Saturday, July 23: Wertungsplatteln um den bayerischen Löwen

Take a look at the host Verein’s website:  They’ll be posting regular news about the Lechgaufest, and the website is excellent.

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