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Other Announcement

Other Announcement

Bairisch -- A Great Language!

Bavarian isn't just a dialect, it's a language onto itself. One man, Otto Hietsch, loved it so much he wrote a Bavarian-English dictionary series that I have owned for many years already. Every once in a while, I quote some of Hietsch's entries in the "Gauzeitung" in the "Bayrisch G'redt" column.  The set has been added to and combined into one book.  The link takes you to an entertaining Bayrischer Rundfunk segment about the author and many of the amusing words contained in his book.

Remembering Noah Nairne

We mourn the death of young Noah Nairne, a member of GTEV Maple Leaf Almrausch of Ottawa.  Noah passed away on October 2, 2013, at the age of 12 after a courageous battle with cancer. He was the son of Richard Nairne and Brenda Carpentier and a loving brother to Bianca.

Listen to German music on-line

If you enjoy German music -- you can listen on-line. Here are a few stations to choose from:

Stations streaming from Bayern:

Click RADIO, then select the station
  • bayern-plus from 10am-1pm Eastern time, daily
  • bayern 1 from 1pm-2pm Eastern, time daily
Listen anytime

Sad News from Bayern

Gerhard Hinterbrandner, Ehrenvorstand of the Altbayerisch-Schwäbisch Gauverband, died today (January 2) in Lechhausen. He and his wife, Marianne, attended the Gaufest here in North America in 1997 in Delaware. Marianne is the current Vorstand of their Gauverband.  We join his family and friends in mourning his passing. May he rest in peace.

More information can be found in the next few days on the Trachtenverband’s website,  Click on "read more" for a short tribute with photo.


Welcome to the New Gauverband website

submitted June 10, 2011 by C. Marquardt The new Gauverband website is here!  The new website is designed and hosted by Andrew Horn (H.S.V. Bavaria) and his team at The TechHaus. Thank you, Andrew!  Please register using your real name and sign in to have access to comments.

24 Stunden Volksmusik

submitted March 18, 2011 by C. Marquardt Bavarian Volksmusik is available from Bayerischer Rundfunk on the Internet 24 hours a day. Choose from Gesang, Tanzlmusik, Geigenmusik, Saitenmusik, Blasmusik, Tradimix or Andere. Make you own playlist and save it. Go to Internet site: and look for "Hören Sie Volksmusik nach Ihren Geschmack" then click on the arrow to begin.


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