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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Bayerischer Löwe and Huosigau Heimattage

We are working to finalize our plans for the Preisplatteln um den Bayerischen Löwen and concurrent Huosigau Gaufest in June. All Vereine that are planning to attend should please let me know, by April 20, how many people from your Verein will be attending and whether you are bringing your Vereinsfahne.

Delegates Meeting: Hotel Info Updates

The Enzian Volkstanzgruppe, hosts of the 2024 Delegates Meeting, have asked me to share the following information, which was e-mailed to all Vereine.  The first hotel is currently at full occupancy and there are 2 additional hotels available, and the details are below. 

 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Wilmington-Newark, 1201 Christiana Road, Newark, DE 19713, 302-737-2700

Cutoff date: Wed. April 24.  GROUP CODE:  DS1

Delegates Meeting: Agenda, Proposals, Nominations

Below is a LINK to the following documents.  This will allow you to view, download, and print if you so choose.

Lederhosen Workshop Presentation Video Now Online

Klaus Hornell's Lederhosen workshop presentation video from the 2023 Gaufest is now available on the GauNA YouTube channel. The Powerpoint presentation was posted not long after the Gaufest, and now the video is also available. The ever-animated Klaus presented "Lederhosen in Bayern und Oesterreich," diving into the detailed regional differences. Enjoy hearing and watching Klaus on this topic and follow along with the PowerPoint provided via link on the YouTube.

Deadlines are Closer than you Think!

The Delegates Meeting is still almost two months away, but there are some deadlines that are coming up VERY SOON! 


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