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D'Wageggler Börwang/Haldenwang Enjoyed our Gaufest

Six Trachtler and Trachtlerinnen from the Allgäu took part in the 26. Gaufest in Buffalo. They came to meet us and continue their talks with 2. Gauvorplattler Rudy Leschke about the 2018 Bayerischer Löwe competition. As you know, Gau-NA will be hosting the competition with the help of D'Wageggler. We'll also be participating in the Allgäuer Gaufest and a Fronleichnam celebration from May 31-June 3, 2018.  Thomas Karg is D'Wageggler's Vorplattler, and he is in frequent contact with Rudy about next year's Löwe.

Fingerhakeln Workshop Notes

Servus alle,

First off, thank you for all of the enthusiastic attendees at the Fingerhakeln Workshop on Saturday! Linked below is a pdf file containing the presentation. And for those of you enquiring about purchasing high-quality fingerhakl rings, I hope to have an update soon. If there is concerted interest in participating in a formal competition at the next Gaufest in Washington, D.C., please let us know, and we will see what can happen.

Fritz Scheffler

Take the Survey about the 2017 Gaufest

Grüss Gott,

Congratulations to our 2017 Preisplatteln Participants!

Hard to believe the 26. Gaufest is over. So many great memories though.  Among them are the great dance performances by all participants in Gruppenpreisplatteln, 16+ Einzelpreisplatteln, and Jugendeinzelpreisplatteln.  Excellent competition!  Congratulations to our top groups and couples.


Help Wanted for Preisplatteln

Liebe Trachtler und Trachtlerinnen,

The three dance officers need volunteers to enter scores into our computer during the Einzel- and Gruppenpreisplatteln. It’s not difficult. The more the merrier. Pay isn’t good (in fact, there is no pay), but you’ll have our gratitude. We really need the help.

Please e-mail us or find us at the Gaufest on Thursday and let us know.

Thank you,

Adam Schaefer, 1.Gauvorplattler (

Rudy Leschke, 2.Gauvorplattler (

2017 Einzelpreisplatteln Line-Up Available (update 6/23)

Judges training was held recently. During that time, the order for Einzelpreisplatteln for ages 16 up is determined.  And here it is!  Just click on the red link to view, print, or download.  6/23: Estimated times have been added to the info.  Note that there are two circles running simultaneously in different rooms: the 16-34 circle and the 35 and up circle.


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