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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

125 Jahre Trachtenvereine in Bayern

Proposals for Delegates Meeting May 2-4, 2008

Submitted 3Feb 2008 by Heidi von Recklinghausen, Gaujugendvertreterin
More proposals that will be discussed and voted on at the upcoming Delegates Meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota. They concern certificates and new score sheets for Jugend Einzelplattlen, the duties of the Gaujugendvertreter and the addition of the office of 2. Gaujugendvertreter.

Bid for 23.Gaufest 2011

22. Delegierten Versammlung des Gauverbandes Nordamerika

Submitted 24Jan2008 by Mark LaCourse
Liebe Trachtler und Trachtlerin,
As you are aware, the 22. Delegates Meeting of Gauverband Nordamerika is being held in the great state of Minnesota on May 2-4, 2008. We are honored to be your hosts for this event and hope that you find your way here in good health.
The meetings are being held in their entirety at the Holiday Inn Select- Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, which is approximately one mile from the airport and within blocks of the Mall of America.

A Preisplatteln proposal from your dance officers

Submitted 24Jan2008 by Mark LaCourse.


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