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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Gauzeitung Deadline: February 1

What have you been doing to keep the bonds of friendship and camaraderie strong in your Verein?  What special occasions are worthy of a little blurb in the Gauzeitung -- weddings, births, major anniversaries and birthdays, retirements?  How about a picture or two from a past event that would be fun for others to see?  Even with no recent events to write about, there's still plenty of ways we can share our love of dance and heritage. Send your articles and pictures to me at

Gau-NA -- Let's Go to Brazil this Weekend!

Just before Christmas, Christine Ott came into contact with Julian Ruediger who serves as the vice president of the Middle Itajai Valley Germanic Folkloric Group Association (AFG) (Translated name: Associação dos Grupos Folclóricos Germânicos do Médio Vale do Itajaí). This organization is located in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Founded in 1993 with groups in the region, they currently have 18 Vereine under their umbrella, covering 5 cities. In Southern Brazil alone they estimate over 200 Vereine.

2020 Special Delegates Meeting Minutes Available

The minutes of the 2020 Special Delegates Meeting held on November 15, 2020, are now available online at THIS LINK.  They are also posted under About Us/Reports-Meetings.

Schafkopf Instructions Online

Schafkopf is a popular card game in Bavaria and in Gau-NA. The game has been taught at many Delegates Meetings workshops, and a tournament is held at every Gaufest. Instructions on how to play the game were set by a Bavarian Schafkopf Congress in Munich. The instructions, originally in German, were translated by Tom Vogt.

November/December Gauzeitung is Online!

Here it is the end of 2020 and most Vereine are still not meeting, so a lot of subscribers are not getting their Gauzeitung. Who would have imagined this back in March? To help cheer us all up and keep the camaraderie among us, the Gauzeitung is available online again this issue.

28. Gaufest Rescheduled to July 7-10, 2022!

That's right -- 2022! The Gaufest hosted by Edelweiss Passaic has been rescheduled to July 7-10, 2022.  This unusual step was approved by the delegates who attended the (first ever!) Special Delegates Meeting on Sunday, November 15. Be sure to save the new date!


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