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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

May 2021 Issue of Gauzeitung Online

So many Vereine still aren't meeting and can't distribute the member subscriptions, so....  Here's the link to the May 2021 issue of the Gauzeitung.  CLICK FOR LINK   

Gauzeitung Deadline: May 1

The deadline for sending articles and photos for the next issue of the Gauzeitung is May 1.  What has your Verein and its members been up to? How do you keep in touch or get together? Send birthday or anniversary greetings to your members who are celebrating major milestones.  Share a memory of a member who has passed away.  Write up something about an event in your Verein's history -- about the founding and the founders, your Fahnenweihe, a big Jubiläum. Send your contributions to   

2021 Gauausschuss Minutes Posted Online

The Gauausschuss held its annual meeting via Zoom on March 6, 2021. The minutes of that meeting, along with all the reports from members and committees, are available online to be viewed or downloaded at THIS LINK.  You can also get to the minutes by going to About Us/Reports-Minutes.  

Alles Gute zum Josefitag!

Calling all named Josef, Joseph, Sepp, Seppi, Seppl, Jupp, Jodl, Bepp, Beppi, Bepperl, Peppal, Peppi, Joschi, Joschka, Joe, Joey, Josefa, Josefine, or Finni!  Today is your name day -- March 19, the Feast day of St. Joseph. If you were to go to Kloster Andechs today, you would get a free Mass of beer.  What else is there to know about this Feast Day?  Read about it in Rick Michels' article in the February issue of the Gauzeitung.  It's on pages 10-11 at THIS LINK.

Congratulations to Scholarship Winners!

At the Gauausschussversammlung held March 6, the Scholarship Committee announced the winners of the Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarships. Congratulations to:

  • Jarrett Kulis, GTEV Hudsontaler, Washingtonville, NY
  • Tanner Beck, Alpenrose Schuhplattlers, Lancaster, PA
  • Bianca Nairne, GTEV Maple Leaf-Almrausch, Ottawa, ON
  • Sabine Doedee, GTEV Hudsontaler, Washingtonville, NY

More in the May issue of the Gauzeitung.


February 2021 Gauzeitung Available Online

So many Vereine are still not meeting and subscribers can't get their printed copies of the Gauzeitung.  Read your Gauzeitung by clicking on THIS LINK. Enjoy all the news and great articles about "things Bavarian." 


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