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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

2015 Ausschuss Meeting Minutes Available

The 2015 Gau-Ausschussversammlung (Executive Board Meeting) Minutes are now available to read online, download, or print.  All 58 pages of it!  The document includes the minutes and all officer and committee reports. Click on the link below or go to About Us/Reports-Minutes, where the link can also be found.   Click on link2015 Gau-Ausschussversammlung Minutes


Funeral Arrangements for Marie & Jerry Hugel

The news of the sudden, tragic deaths of Marie and Jerry Hugel of GTEV Schlierachtaler Stamm has traveled quickly through the German community. They have been an integral part of the Gauverband since its founding, and it is hard to think of our organization without them. Marie and Jerry loved their Bavarian heritage and were regular visitors to the clubs on the east coast, at every Gaufest, and at major events all over the country and in Bavaria. Their enthusiastic attendance at the München Oktoberfest last year, riding in the horse drawn coach, will stay in our memories.

Sad News

On behalf of the Gauverband, my condolences to Gaubeisitzer Bob Hugel and his entire family on the tragic passing of his parents, Jerry and Marie Hugel, on Friday, April 10. Both were key members of their Verein, GTEV Schlierachtaler Stamm, New York. In addition, Marie had served on the Gauverband's Ausschuß as both a Beisitzer and Vortänzerin. Ruhe in Frieden.  (As more information becomes available, this post will be updated.)

Gemuetlichen Enzianer NY's Bauernball & Fahnensegnung

On behalf of the Gemütlichen Enzianer, we would like to extend an invitation to join us at our Fahnen-Segnung and Bauernball (Flag Rededication Celebration) on April 18, 2015.  

Zwiefacher Workshop Handout Available

Juergen Friese of D’Miesbacher Oimtaler Denver taught a workshop at the Mittelwest Bezirksheimatfest in Omaha in 2014. He taught us 8 different dances with  varying levels of difficulty. The rhythm patterns can be tricky to figure out but therein lies the fun!  The handout that Juergen prepared has a history of the dance, how the dance is performed, lyrics to the songs, pattern of the music, and musical notes. There are also website links to many of the songs so that you can hear them or see them danced.

Fahnensegnung und Bauerball, April 18, New York

On behalf of the Gemütlichen Enzianer, we would like to extend an invitation to join us at our Fahnen-Segnung and Bauernball (Flag Rededication Celebration) on April 18, 2015.  Our Club’s flag is an important symbol of our heritage and Trachten tradition and as such, the refurbishment and rededication of our flag is an important milestone in our club’s history.


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