Judges training was held recently. During that time, the order for Einzelpreisplatteln for ages 16 up is determined. And here it is! Just click on the red link to view, print, or download. 6/23: Estimated times have been added to the info. Note that there are two circles running simultaneously in different rooms: the 16-34 circle and the 35 and up circle. Both circles start dancing at 9 am, with the 58 couples in the 16-34 group dancing until about 1 pm; the 34 couples in the four 35+ age groups will be done about 11:30. The print out is pretty small, but it should help you to find your favorites and give you an idea of the juggling that you'll need to do to see as many of them as possible. Click to view, print or download the time schedule. UPDATED 6/22 with corrections; time schedule added 6/23.