For the last few years Gauverband Nordamerika has joined the Allgäuer Gauverband in the tradition of ringing in the new year with cow bells (rather than shooting off fireworks). It was a project started by their 1er Gauvorplattler Christoph Zweng. They call it Allgäu Schealat. For the last two years we put together a video that we shared with them. A link to last year’s video is below.
I know that most of us don’t have cow bells, but some do. And some Vereine have rather large cow bells. If you are able, please give us a good ring at midnight – German time zone, your time zone, whatever works. If you have a chance to record it, we can again pull that together and send it to our Allgäuer friends.

In the meantime, Cathy and I wish everyone frohe Weihnachten, ein erfolgreiches und gesundes neues Jahr und einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2024.