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Successful 2022 Delegates Meeting

The Gauvervand Ausschuss has a slightly different look with new people filling four positions! Here are the election results of the 2022 Delegates Meeting:

  • 1. Vorstand - Tom Vogt
  • 2. Vorstand - Joe Hubner
  • Schriftführer - Janet Malofiy - United German Hungarians -- new to Ausschuss
  • Kassier - John Blank
  • 1. Gauvorplattler - Rudy Leschke
  • 2. Gauvorplattler - Matt LaCourse
  • 1. Gauvortänzerin - Karin Schwab
  • 2. Gauvortänzerin - Christine Ott
  • Gaujugendverterterin - Diane Meck
  • Gaubibliothekar - Stephan Regenfuss
  • Gauarchivar - Fritz Sheffler, BHT Golden Gate - new to position
  • Gaubeisitzer
    • Robert Hugel
    • Brenda Nowak - AVC Edelweiss Dancers -  new to Ausschuss
    • Erik Schwarze
    • Paul Ulrich
  • Gaurevisor
    • Erik Hugel - Schlierachtaler Stamm - new to Ausschuss
    • Rich Keesecker
    • John Schwab
    • Paul Stanavage
  • Musikwart - Rick Michels
  • Pressewart - Karin Dean Kraft
  • Fahnenträger - Klaus Vikari

To our three outgoing Ausschuss members -- Walter Kraft, Erech Morrison, and Michael Olk -- we wish you all the best in your retirement! Thank you for serving so many long and dedicated and productive years with the Gauverband. It has been a pleasure working with you and benefiting from your knowledge. To Fritz Sheffler who shifted from Beisitzer to Archivar -- welcome to your new position. We look forward to seeing more good work from you.

Congratulations to Enzian Volkstanzgruppe who will be hosting the 2024 Delegates Meeting in Newark, Delaware.

The 2025 Gaufest will be jointly hosted by United German Hungarians and Enzian Volkstanzgruppe in Newark, Delaware, with some new ideas and innovations.

The 2022 Delegates Meeting was held virtually and by all accounts things went smoothly and it was considered quite a successful meeting.  Kudos to the Meetngs Committee & the Nominations Committee for pulling off such a major success!


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