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Bayerischer Löwe July 21-24, 2016, Steingaden

Gauverband Nordamerika Participation at the Preisplatteln um den Bayerischen Löwen

This is the second of two posts/articles I am writing regarding Gauverband Nordamerika's trip to Steingaden this summer. The Preisplatteln um den Bayerischen Löwen is being hosted by the Lechgau Verein "Almfrieden" Steingaden the weekend AFTER the Lechgau Trachtenfest. Here's a summary of what to expect for this second weekend.

On Thursday evening, July 21st, D'Hocheleitner Pullach are having a Preisplatteln practice at their Clubhouse. I understand they have offered this opportunity to Gauverband Nordamerika competitors. Further details are available from Anita Biereder—see her post on the Gau-NA Facebook page. Cathy and I are arriving on Thursday morning and hope to be there.

Friday evening, July 22nd at 8pm, is a Goaßlschnalzer-Treffen at the Fest Tent in Steingaden. I know Maple Leaf Almrausch Ottawa expressed interest in participating. I'm also planning on attending this. I expect this to be a casual event and would wear Tanzgwand (Bavarian casual or Boarischer Gwand, nice Dirndl or soft Mieder/skirt for the girls).

Saturday, July 23rd, is the Preisplatteln. Registration is at 8am. It is important that our competitors be there on time. Your dance position will be assigned when you register and is used to break ties. Judges will also need to be there at 8am to be assigned to their respective circles. The competition begins a 9am. You will need to pay close attention to the competition in your circle and be ready to "take the stage" when your number is called. There is no dance "time," only a dance order.

FLOWER INFO: For Preisplatteln, fresh flowers should be worn both with Halbtracht and Festtracht—don’t forget a flower for men’s and ladies’ hats. Anita Biereder has talked with a local florist in Steingaden, Blumen Schön, and they have agreed to take email orders for flowers, preferably by Verein. Specify numbers, type, color, greenery, date to pick up. with email to The address is Kissingerstr. 26; Friday hours are 8:30-12 & 2-6. Pay when you pick them up (no delivery). About 1 Euro per flower, 50 cents for greenery. (Note - Do not assume they take credit cards! And please pick them up!)


  • For spectators, this is a fairly casual event. Food is being served, people are talking while the competition is going on in multiple circles. For spectators, Tanzgwand/Boarisch Gwand is appropriate attire.
  • For competitors and judges it's different. Halbtracht or Schosserl/Spensergwand is the minimum requirement; Festtracht gets added Impression points for dancers. Appearance matters and will impact your score. Hair done correctly is important. Having clean and ironed "whites" is important. Fresh flowers are important. Folks have lost points for black scuff marks on the stockings. See the Oktoberfest Tracht presentation or Vroni Menzinger’s Gaufest Workshop presentation if you have any questions.

We will have a few musicians available (Erech Morrison will be there, as will Peggy Mueller and perhaps more), and the Lechgau will have a musician available for visitors to use. The competitors will decide what dance they are doing when they register.

Competition Rules: A translation of the competition rules is posted on our Gauverband website, or click this link. The original rules, in German, are posted on the Bayerischer Löwe website--click here, then look under "Bestimmungen."

Here are a few differences from how we do our Einzelplatteln:

1. The age groups are slightly different with there being a 14-16 age group and a 17-35 age group. The others are the same. You are grouped based on age on the day of competition.

2. Boys and girls are judged separately.

3. For the Einzelplattler, the trio (waltz) is only 8 measures. Gauverband Nordamerika dances with a 16 measure trio. Here, it is only half as long. The remaining dance sequence is the same as our Einzelplattler. The Einzelplattler sequence is: Short Plattler (2 Hochsprünge) – 1 Trio (8 meass) – Long Plattler (2 Hochsprünge)– 1 Trio (8 measures).

4. If the girl steps out of the 4-meter circle during the Einzelplattler, she is eliminated.

The Gruppen Preisplatteln is also a little different: The Gruppenplattler sequence is abbreviated as compared to ours (like our Einzelplattler), and two Hochsprünge are required for each Plattler segment, rather than just one. Here, however, the Trio is the normal 16 measures. The Gruppenplattler sequence is: Short Plattler (2 Hochsprünge) – 2 Trios (16 meas) – Long Plattler (2 Hochsprünge)– 2 Trios (16 meas).

Participants: Registration is officially closed at this time. I have pre-registered the following competitors and judges. The registration fee will be paid by Gauverband Nordamerika.

Group/Einzel Participation Category Verein
SVEV D'Oberlandler-Milwaukee Gruppen  
Caleb Weber 14-16 BSC Holzhackerbuam, Toledo
T J Jenssen 14-16 TEV Edelweiss Denver
Aana Rase 14-16 TEV Edelweiss Denver
Josh Meck 17-34 Auerhahn Schuhplattler Verein Oley
Andy Tschermak 17-34 BHTV Golden Gate San Francisco
Stefanie Williams 17-34 BHTV Golden Gate San Francisco
Matt LaCourse 17-34 SG Edelweiss St Paul
Becca Sauter 17-34 SG Edelweiss St Paul
Fritz Sheffler 35-49 BHTV Golden Gate San Francisco
Maria Rase 35-49 TEV Edelweiss Denver
Cindy Hartz 35-49 SVEV D'Oberlandler Milwaukee
Michael Rase 35-49 TEV Edelweiss Denver
Heidi Tschermak Honors BHTV Golden Gate San Francisco
Erech Morrison Honors GTEV Maple Leaf Almrausch Ottawa
Ingeborg Henn Honors GTEV Maple Leaf Almrausch Ottawa
Don LaCourse Honors SG Edelweiss St. Paul
Dennis Smith Honors SVEV D'Oberlandler Milwaukee


  • Diane Brower, S.V.E.V. D Oberlandler - Milwaukee, WI
  • Erech Morrison, G.T.E.V. Maple Leaf Almrausch - Ottawa, ONT
  • Hansi Mueller, B.S.G.T.E.V. D’Miesbacher Oimtaler, Denver CO

Finally, on Sunday July 24th, before we all leave Steingaden, there will be another Frühschoppen. Since I'm missing the one the week before, I will be at this one.

Please contact me ( if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you there.

Thanks, Rudy Leschke, 2. Gauvorplattler

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