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Request for Delegates Meeting Proposals

The following letter was mailed to the Vereine in late November by the Gauschriftführer:

Dear Friends:

As a reminder, the next Delegates’ Meeting will be hosted by the Bayern Verein Newark and will take place from May 5 – 6, 2012 at the VFW hall in Kenilworth, New Jersey.  To prepare for this meeting, please:

¨   send me your proposed Gaufest Bids by February 5, 2012.  The How to Host a Gaufest Guidelines is on the Gauverband’s website under Publications;

¨   send me your proposed By-Law changes by February 5, 2012;

¨   send me your non-By-Law proposals and/or agenda items by March 5, 2012; and

¨   if you desire to host a Delegates’ Meeting, send me your bid by March 5, 2012. The How to Host a Delegates’ Meeting Guidelines is on the Gauverband’s website under Publications.

I will mail to you and post on the Gauverband’s website the Delegates’ Meeting schedule and agenda items near the end of March 2012.

A summary of the 2011 Gaufest Questionnaire is on the Gauverband’s website.  Please print a copy since a copy will not be mailed to each Verein.  It will be presented at the next Delegates’ Meeting by the Meetings Committee.

Please use the form on the back of the mailed letter to send me your nominations for Gauverband Judges.

Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Mit Trachtengruss, Walter H. Kraft, Schriftführer

(Note: The email address printed in the November Gauzeitung is incorrect.  It should be whkraft at

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