Submitted 23Apr2007 By Mark La Course
Grüß Gott,
Ever thought you'd like to be a Gau Richter? Has someone in your Verein told you that you'd be a good judge? We are looking for a few good people to potentially become Gaurichter for Gauverband Nordamerika.If you are interested, please contact Walter Kraft-Gauschriftführer to receive an application form. Fill it out completely and submit it to the Gauausschuß for review. If accepted, you will be informed by one of the Gau dance officers.
We are looking for you if you have been a long time dancer, have preferably held a dance office in your Verein, and are willing to learn the judging system and apply it while judging the Preisplattler at a Gaufest.
For additional information on what it takes to be a Gaurichter, contact Mark La Course at or at (612)840-3431.
Mit Trachtengrüß, Mark La Course, 1. Gauvorplattler