The chart of the parade line-up order has changed. The changes are predominantly in the section with the ladies who do not wear the Janker (sleeved jacket). Additionally, one flag has dropped out (another was dropped on 9/4), another has been added. Other than the parade chart, none of the other pages changed. See you in München! -Karin
A month from now it’ll be an amazing memory – Gauverband Nordamerika’s participation in the Trachten- und Schützenumzug at the 2014 Oktoberfest in München! Today I emailed the information in the link below to the contacts for the Vereine attending the Oktoberfest. The link includes where and when to meet on Sunday morning; the parade line-up order; where we have reserved tables in the afternoon; what we’ll be doing on Monday; and a wealth of other info and maps. Please share this with everyone you know who is going to the Oktoberfest. Most importantly, have a great time, drink a beer for me, represent Gauverband Nordamerika in the best light possible, and make friends with your Trachtenkameraden in Bayern!
2014 Oktoberfest Parade Final Instructions - updated 9/3, again on 9/4 (but just to delete a flag)
Gauverband Nordamerika auf der Oide Wiesn (added September 4 by 2.Gauvorplattler Rudy Leschke)
Reference: Munich Oktoberfest Trachtenzug 2014 – original presentation made at the Delegates Meeting