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Einzelpreisplatteln Deadline June 10

The deadline to register for Einzelpreisplatteln to be held at this year's Gaufest is June 10. Dancers must be registered through the on-line registration system set up by the host Verein, D'Oberlandler Milwaukee. The administrator for each Verein has the necessary access to complete this task. This deadline is set by the dance officers of the Gauverband to coincide with the upcoming judges training session this weekend. At that meeting, the dance order for the Einzelpreisplatteln couples will be determined. Questions about the on-line system should be directed to the host Verein; questions about the competition itself should be directed to the Gauvorplattler, 2. Gauvorplattler, or Gauvortänzerin. Rules for Preisplatteln (Einzel and Gruppen) are on this website under About Us/Bylaws.

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