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German / Austrian Announcement

German / Austrian Announcement

American Trachtler visit Holzhausen

Sad News from Bayern

Maria Zapf, the widow of Hans Zapf, has died in Munich. Hans Zapf was the Vorsitzender of the Bavarian Trachtenverband for many years and then its Ehrenvorsitzender. He visited our Gaufeste at least twice & was a supporter of Gauverband Nordamerika. Hans died in 2005. Hans & Maria were lifelong Trachtler. Maria Zapf's funeral will take place on Friday, October 9.  

Kartenspielbuch von Bayerische Trachtenverband



submitted 21November 2008 by C. Marquardt

Bezirksmedaille for Ingrid and Hans Menzinger

submitted 22October2008 by C. Marquardt On October 13, 2008 Ingrid and Hans Menzinger were presented with the 2008 Bezirksmedaille for "Kultur und Heimatpflege". Beginning in 1990 the Bezirk Oberbayern has honored citizens of Oberbayern who have shown extraordinary commitment.

2008 Bayerischen Löwen -- Gau N.A. will be well represented

submitted 5October 2008 Every year the top ranked groups and individual dancers from several of the Gauverbände in Bayern compete for the Bayerischen Löwen. This year's competition on Saturday, October 18, will be hosted by the Isargau and held in Planegg-München at the Heide Volm Gasthaus. In the year after our own Gaufest, Gauverband Nordamerika is invited and is represented by its own best Vereine and Einzelplatteln winners.This year, we have an unprecedented number of people participating.


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